June 2021 Performance
Due to the pandemic, we had to get creative with this year’s annual performances. To ensure COVID-safe performances, we hired a professional videographer to pre-record our dances music video style! These dances were filmed in front of a green screen in the studio as well as on location around Buffalo and aired as one “movie” at the Transit Drive-In Theatre on June 9 & 10. We also had a streaming option for our loved ones out-of-town!
While it certainly wasn’t the performance we are used to, we are incredibly grateful that we could present this opportunity for our dancers and volunteers—it was incredible to see our dancers on the big screen and to see their smiling faces again!
We can’t say thank you enough to our incredible dancers, caring volunteers, dedicated teachers and staff, Board of Directors, sponsors, committee members, and the newest member of our danceability family, editor Matthew Salzler, for ensuring this week happened. We are truly grateful beyond words for all the support we have received for this show.